domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011



Beyond what is shown on the television media, on talk radio and in newspapers, we can say that our planet is being degraded more and that global warming is already a fact. Many of us always think of this big problem as it is to emerge or that is alien to us, but the results are already being observed.
The poles are warming three times faster than the rest of the world, generating an increase in sea levels, potentially leading to serious damage on the coast inland. We saw the tsunami occurred off the coast of Asia, which brought with it thousands of deaths and millions of dollars in infrastructure damage. In this way, all climate result is subject to global warming, because all means of life on earth is subject to temperature and sunlight.
On the other hand, if global warming continues to rise, we can say that within 30 to 40 years will see huge water wars, a huge demand for food due to famine existing deep and the presence of a very ill population varied.

Reflecting further on this big problem, we can say that global warming does not follow a linear law, but presents fluctuations in terms of rise and fall in average temperature due to processes and natural variability. The most striking phenomenon in general, is the El Niño phenomenon, where the surface temperature increased 0.15 ° C per decade.
Therefore, face these problems encountered, we must realize and identify some measures to overcome and re-arm this way to bring the world.

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